The Pāua Industry Council (PIC) is the peak national organisation representing the interests of pāua quota owners, ACE owners and other participants in New Zealand's commercial pāua fisheries
The organisation is a Limited Liability Company, managed by a board of directors which includes the chairs or representatives of all regional Pāua Management Area Councils (PāuaMACs). We provide advocacy, consultation, oversight and support to the five PāuaMACs in their efforts to manage their fisheries in ways that ensure their long-term health and sustainability.
PIC seeks to protect and enhance the rights of quota owners and industry participants implicit in the Fisheries Act and the Quota Management System while recognising the individual and collective obligations inherent in commercial fishing rights – including obligations relating to ecological sustainability, the rights of tangata whenua, and the interests of other fisheries stakeholders and local communities.
PIC liaises with iwi, rununga, government, media, fisheries stakeholders and environmental groups, with the aim of establishing positive relationships and being recognised as a respected participant in shared fisheries. We promote industry unity and responsibility, and innovative, sustainable management of pāua fisheries.

The Paua Industry Council is a small organisation, with no full time employees. Workplans and Budgets are determined by the PIC Board of Directors and carried out by contracted service providers. Current Chief Executive is Jeremy Cooper, Board Chair is Storm Stanley and contracted principle Science advisor is Dr Tom McCowan.
Jeremy Cooper is a former pāua diver and quota owner. He has been the Chief Executive of the Pāua Industry Council for the last 15 years.
Email: cooper@xtra.co.nz
Stormalong Stanley's involvement with the pāua industry dates back to the early 70s. Today, Stanley is Chairman of PIC's Board of Directors.
Email: stormalong@xtra.co.nz
Dr. Tom McCowan’s has worked in pāua fisheries since 2008. His role as PIC’s Science Officer involves management of fisheries data and running industry-based enhancement projects.
Email: tom.mccowan@gmail.com

Business manager
Helen Regan supports the day to day running of PIC, providing administrative services for more than 15 years.
All general enquiries can be directed to Helen. Ph: 04 385 4005